The Mark-up Box is where you may enter the Mark-up that you are being charged for the vehicle from the Source (the Dealer if you are a broker or the factory if you are a Dealer)
The pictures above show both displays, one for a Dealer and another for a Broker, you may change from one to the other on the fly from the Status pull down menu.
In the case you are using the multiple vehicle mode this box will include the cost of the second and third vehicles.
Fleet Mgr. mark-up/ Advertising/Vehicle 2:
This amount is added to the cost of the vehicle .
Flt Doc Fee/Service/Vehicle 3
This would be the documentation fee charged to you by the selling dealer or the charge for preparing the vehicle for you by the source.
Flt Rebates/ F. Incentives
This amount is credited to the cost of the vehicle as a rebate or factory incentive.
If you wish to pass along the rebate to your customer on a sale you should not enter it here, if you wish to pass it along on a lease then you should enter it here and then add cap reductions until the Drive Off exceeds the Cash Down by the Rebate amount.
Total of Repair Orders
This is for items added to the vehicle by the source, not you. If you wish to add any accessories you should show them in your recap module.(when they are specific to a deal) if you are adding equipment to keep the vehicle in inventory then you may want to enter it here.
Repair Order/Addition Module:
The Advanced defaults includes a new option to have the Repair Order Module Activated
This will let you itemize 14 additions to the vehicle while it is still in inventory.